James putting on suit jacket

Hi, I'm

James Howard,

lawyer and full-stack developer*.

*in progress

James' resume. Click here.
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Lawyer. Developer.

After graduating from Baylor Law School in 2011, James started his career as a trial lawyer, but eventually transistioned to a business practice focused on the telecommunications, technology, and financial service industries. After counseling clients on technology transactions for nearly a decade, James developed a passion for technology in general and programming in particular. While currently a partner in a large Austin, TX law firm, James is also working towards a UT certification in full-stack web development.


Weather Dashboard
Weather Dashboard screenshot
A simple weather app with a responsive background approximating the user's current conditions, current weather conditions, and a 5 day forecast.
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Cheap Cheap
Cheap Cheap screenshot
A simple local eletronics product finder built with a team using Javascript ES6 and leveraging the Google Maps and the Best Buy APIs.
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Eat-Da-Burger screenshot
A simple web-deployed application. This app was built in "MVC" format and allows users to manipulate content through use of a MySQL database.
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Docket Master
Eat-Da-Burger screenshot
A full-stack web-deployed application. This app was built with a team using MySQL and Sequelize and provides users witha fully-functioning court docketing system.
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